
This file contains some general directions and thoughts on troubleshooting the code in this repo. This is not meant to be a comprehensive troubleshooting guide and is only a jumping off point.

make generate refuses to overwrite an existing key

In order to force make generate to overwrite the existing CA key (note that this will delete the existing CA key which means kssh will not work with any servers it currently works with), simply run:

FORCE_WRITE=true make generate

kssh is slow, but it works

When kssh starts, it has to search the KV store for every team you are in for the kssh config, which specifies the information that is needed in order to communicate with the CA chatbot. If you are only in a few teams, this is relatively fast but this can become much slower as the number of teams increases. You can avoid this search to reduce startup time by setting a default bot via kssh --set-default-bot cabotname.

kssh times out

If kssh times out with a message similar to:

Generating a new SSH key...
Requesting signature from the CA....
Failed to get a signed key from the CA: timed out while waiting for a response from the CA

It means that for whatever reason, kssh is not receiving a response from the CA chatbot when it sends messages in Keybase chat. First, ensure that the CA chatbot is currently running. Next, attempt to determine what is happening by inspecting the chat messages inside of the teams configured with the chatbot. You should see a series of Ack and AckRequest messages going back and forth prior to a Signature_Request: and a Signature_Response: exchange. Ensure that you and the chatbot are in the correct teams such that they can read and respond to the messages. In addition, review the log output from the keybaseca chatbot. Note that it is required to run the keybaseca chatbot as a different user than you are using for kssh.

SSH rejects the connection

This likely means that you have not configured the SSH server correctly. Confirm that on the SSH server you are trying to access:

  • /etc/ssh/ has an SSH public key in it
  • /etc/ssh/auth_principals/username-of-ssh-user has the name of your Keybase team in it (or multiple comma separated keybase teams)
  • /etc/ssh/sshd_config has the below two lines somewhere in it:
TrustedUserCAKeys /etc/ssh/
AuthorizedPrincipalsFile /etc/ssh/auth_principals/%u

Also, ensure that these permissions are correctly set:

chmod 0645 /etc/ssh/auth_principals/
chmod 0644 /etc/ssh/auth_principals/*
chmod 0644 /etc/ssh/

If that all looks good, review the getting started directions and ensure that you have followed the steps correctly. Additionally, it is recommended to compare your sshd_config file with the stock one for your OS to look for any non-standard config options. For example, setting UsePAM no may prevent the SSH CA from working. ( also has some additional information on how SSH CAs work that may be helpful). If you would like to follow an example, see the code in the tests/ directory which contains integration tests (focus on Dockerfile-sshd for an example SSH server setup). If none of that works, the best strategy is to run SSH on the server on an alternate port and review the debug information. On the server run /usr/sbin/sshd -dd -D -p 2222 and on the client run kssh -p 2222 user@server and inspect the debug logs.

Keybase is down

If Keybase is down, the bot will not work since it relies on Keybase chat for communication. In this scenario, you can manually sign SSH keys with the CA key. This can be done via keybaseca sign --public-key /path/to/ Alternatively, this can be done manually without relying on any of the tooling in this repository. To do so, place the CA private key in ~/cakey and the CA public key in ~/ Then run the command:

ssh-keygen \
  # The location of the ca key:
  -s ~/cakey  \
  # A unique ID for each key. Used to audit key usage
  -I unique-key-id \
  # The comma separated list of principals you wish to sign the key for. Eg ",team.ssh.staging,team.ssh.root_everywhere"
  -n ",team.ssh.staging,team.ssh.root_everywhere" \
  # How long the signature is valid for. +1d means one day. Valid units are `h` for hour, `d` for day, `w` for week
  -V +1d \
  # Specify the password on the CA key (if exported via `keybaseca backup` there is no password)
  -N "" \
  # The location of the public key you wish to sign

You can then use the signed SSH key to SSH via ssh -i /path/to/ user@server.

Default Users and kssh –provision

Default users are implemented using a custom SSH config file that inherits from the default one. This means that if you run:

kssh --set-default-user developer
kssh --provision
scp foo server:~/

It will not use the default user. There are two ways to work around this. If you do not need the default user to be kssh specific (eg if kssh is your primary way of accessing certain servers), then you can simply configure this default user globally by adding the below lines to ~/.ssh/config

Host *
  User developer

If you do not want to do this, you can run scp with the kssh specific config file via:

scp -F ~/.ssh/kssh-config foo server:~/

Or analogously for rsync:

rsync -e "ssh -F $HOME/.ssh/kssh-config" foo server:~/

It may be useful to define aliases in your bashrc to simplify this:

alias kscp='kssh --provision && scp -F ~/.ssh/kssh-config'
alias krsync='kssh --provision && rsync -e "ssh -F $HOME/.ssh/kssh-config"'


For any other issues, please open a Github issue or ping @dworken on Keybase! We want to make this project as reliable as possible so please let us know if there are any ways we can improve the project.